Family Hotel Helier is situated 2km from the town of Yakoruda and only 25km from the resort town of Bansko. It is situated in the skirts of the Rila Mountain and surrounded by the mountains Pirin and Rodopi. It offers a unique combination of beautiful nature with unbelievable atmosphere and peace. This is the ideal place for all looking for quiet, relaxing comfort, special treatment and quality service
Хотел Хелиер е добър избор за всеки, който търси уютно място за почивка на планина с достъпни цени за нощувка. Намира се на 2 км от Якоруда по пътя за Банско и работи целогодишно. Подходящ е както за почивка, така и за настаняване на командировани в района и провеждане на организирани мероприятия. Тук всеки гост ще открие тишина, спокойствие, разнообразни удобства и добро обслужване, които в комбинация с ниските цени го превръщат в един от предпочитаните хотели в Якоруда.
For the complete relaxation of its guests Hotel Helier offers an indoor swimming pool with warm mineral water, which is taken directly from the mineral spring located in near proximity. An outdoor sunbathing corner with jacuzzi and sauna are also provided. The hotel accommodates its guests in 8 double and 2 triple rooms and 3 apartments. Their furnishing is functional and in tone with the traditional interior of the rooms. There is a children’s playground as well and free parking.